Planning & Zoning

The Planning & Zoning Commission has been created by the Alpine Town Council pursuant to the requirements outlined in W.S. 15-1-604 and W.S. 15-1-605.  The Planning & Zoning Commission is regulated by Part 1 – General Provisions; Section 1-104 – Planning & Zoning Commission:  Refer to the most recent version of the Alpine Land Use and Development Code; as adopted by the Alpine Town Council.

Effective immediately: The Town of Alpine will be processing permit applications on a first come first serve basis. Applications will need to be submitted by the 1st of the month. This will allow the Town adequate time to complete the permit application/plan review.  We ask that you please make sure that you submit your completed application package along with a scaled site/plot plan that depicts the location of your structure, proposed vehicular access, the finish grade of the project site, water, sewer connection locations, septic system location (if applicable), all above ground and below ground utilities connections that will be located on the property, calculated vehicle parking areas, setback dimensions, onsite drainage facilities, calculated snow storage area and any other items identified on your permit checklist. 

A complete submittal includes three (3) sets of your site plan, architectural and engineered drawings for the project, any associated construction documents relevant and/or required for the project and one (1) digital copy of the complete plan set and site plan shall be filed at the time of application submittal.

Any missing information that is not submitted with your application will warrant a permit application return until a complete permit application package is received. Applications are valid for ninety (90) days from submittal. You will be notified, via email, when your application has been accepted.  Upon acceptance the Town of Alpine will have thirty (30) days to schedule the application for the next available Planning & Zoning Commission review meeting.

Pre-planning appointments are encouraged, please contact the planning office at: 307-654-7757, extension #7, to schedule those appointments.

If a person commences building development for which a permit is required without having first obtained a permit, they are in violation of the Land Use & Development Code.

Such person shall pay twice the fee for said permit, costs associated with the Town’s investigation of the violation, any hearings to abate and including reasonable attorney, engineer, inspector, and surveyor’s fees.